
At Hello Hossy®. Since day one, we've paid very special attention to the quality of our products, the know-how and expertise of our partners, and the maintenance of respect for the teams working on our projects. To get there, we had two goals. The first (and most important) was to find the best partners with the best know-how. The second was to work hand-in-hand with our manufacturers on a daily basis.
Partners. Launching a new product is one thing. Working with partners day in and day out, for months on end with our teams, is something else. These partnerships allow us to control the quality of our products, fine-tune the little details, and create healthy, respectful relationships with our manufacturers. Murielle and I are thrilled to have worked with the same manufacturers since day one. Some of these partnerships have already been going strong for more than 4 years. This is a sign of commitment for them, for you, and for us. We've lost count of the hours spent talking to the manufacturing teams! We're proud of the bonds we have created.
Production. As mentioned above, our main challenge is to find the best know-how for our categories of products. Our experienced partners include manufacturers in China and Turkey, as well as in Portugal (upcoming). One of our medium to long-term objectives is to also find manufacturers closer to home. The projects that are in the works will have a beneficial social impact. We hope to launch them soon! The challenge for us is to enlarge our team so we can make quick progress in these areas.
Materials. We're committed to making all our new products from eco-friendly materials. Our backpacks are made from recycled plastic bottles, our sunglasses from recycled polycarbonate, our caps from organic cotton and recycled polyester, our socks from organic cotton, and so on. For us, the use of eco-friendly materials is not just a theory—it's a necessity. And we plan on continuing to use them for as long as possible.
Our mission will never change: to make kids proud, and to make them happy. And that involves creating fun, stylish, premium, and eco-friendly products.